California is a state of great diversity, creativity and innovation. It is also a state of great inequality, injustice and exploitation. The billionaires who dominate our economy and politics have amassed enormous wealth and power, while millions of working people struggle to survive and have no say in the decisions that affect their lives. This is not acceptable. This is not sustainable. This is not the California we want.
That’s the impetus for Rise Up California, a new movement of working people from different races and backgrounds who share a common vision and values for our state. Rise Up California is not a political party, a union, or a nonprofit organization. It is a grassroots network of community leaders who have been fighting for social justice and positive change in their neighborhoods, workplaces, schools and beyond. They have been involved in campaigns to improve housing conditions, protect immigrant rights, increase wages, fund education and more. They have seen the power of people’s collective action and they know that we can win.
But they also know that winning individual battles is not enough. We need to challenge the whole system that creates inequality and oppression in the first place. We need to build a new California that is truly democratic and equitable. A California where everyone has a voice and a stake in the decisions that affect our lives. A California where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.
That’s why Rise Up California has developed a platform that reflects shared vision and values. A platform that was created by working people from across the state, based on our lived experiences and aspirations. A platform that demands:
- Fix the Political System to Establish a Real Democracy
- Protect Our Rights and Freedoms
- Establish Community-Driven Public Safety
- Meet People’s Basic Needs
- Establish an Economic System that Prioritizes the Common Good
- Investment in Community, Equity, & the Common Good
To read the full platform and to join this movement, visit RiseUpCa.org. Together, we can rise up and build a new California for ALL OF US. Rise Up California is also on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook (page and community group).