We’ve been working on a new group of websites to document AHG owner Adriel Hampton’s efforts as a biochar entrepreneur. Adriel has been researching biochar as a carbon mitigation strategy, and has been interviewing popular chatbot ChatGPT about the ins and outs of biochar as an entrepreneurial focus.

You can read more about Adriel’s biochar startup adventures at ClimateStartup.TV, where he is documenting the process of starting a biochar business, and interviewing interesting climate and carbon capture technology startups, founders, and entrepreneurs.

You can see more conversations between Adriel and ChatGPT about biochar at BiocharEntrepreneur.com.

We are also writing about a wide range of topics with a new focus on community biochar production and business development at HamptonBiochar.com.

Adriel is interested in biochar production as a companion business to AHG’s digital services. He recently asked ChatGPT about the growth in biochar and technology industries:

While the biochar industry is growing rapidly and has significant potential for further expansion, the technology industry is currently growing at a much faster pace. The technology industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years, driven by advances in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and mobile devices. This growth has resulted in a wide range of new products and services, as well as significant changes to the way that businesses operate. While the biochar industry is an important and growing sector, it is not currently growing at the same pace as the technology industry.

Let’s see what we can do to even things up…